New Testament Sermons

Mark 14:12-21 “God Is in Control”

In a chaotic world, life can feel out of control. Jesus faced this in the days leading up to His crucifixion, knowing His closest friends would betray and abandon Him. Yet, in the face of chaos, Jesus remained in control. Like Jesus, when we know that God is in control of our past, present, and future, we can respond rightly in a chaotic world

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Mark 13 “Be On Guard”

Commentators have called Mark 13 “one of the most perplexing chapters in the Bible.”Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and unravels His disciples’ question concerning the sign and timing of Jerusalem’s destruction and the end of the age.

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Mark 12:18-27 “Opposing Authorities”

The Sadducees propose to Jesus a seemingly impossible scenario using an Old Testament law and what they believe about marriage and the resurrection. However, they were not prepared for an encounter with true authority and real power in the person of Jesus!

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Mark 12:13-17 “Render to whom it is due”

Mark 12:13-17 is situated amid a series of 7 escalating conflicts between Jesus and the religious leaders. After failing to confront Jesus directly, the Sanhedrin sends the Pharisees and Herodians to trap Jesus in His word as they question Him about the theological legality of the people of God paying tribute to pagan government through taxes.

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