Ron Boomsma

Lead Pastor

Ron grew up in Holland, Michigan, the son of Dutch immigrant parents who were (surprisingly) atheists. Having heard the gospel for the first time in the US, the entire family came to know the Lord through a neighbor’s faithful witness. Ron grew up in the church, went to Bible College and in 1990, he and his wife Tami relocated to Pasadena CA to serve at the U.S. Center for World Mission. Their new church home was a Sovereign Grace Church in Pasadena CA where he became acquainted with reformed theology as well as Sovereign Grace Churches as a denomination. He furthered his theological education by taking classes at the Sovereign Grace Pastors College and Fuller Theological Seminary.

In 1999, Ron became the Senior Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena and had served there for twenty-five years until he was recently sent by that church to serve as pastor of ERC.

Ron and his wife Tami have raised five children and currently have eleven grandchildren. They are both enjoying getting settled into Bozeman and especially into ERC where they are looking forward to serving.

Ron loves good coffee, woodworking, and a friendly game of golf.

Because we recognize a New Testament precedent of a plurality of pastors in local churches, we strive to have this be the norm at ERC even though there are seasons where this is not possible. In those seasons, our region from within Sovereign Grace Churches provides provisional pastors to help oversee the church and help add the needed breadth of wisdom as well as accountability for a local church. At this time, Greg Dirnberger from Emmaus Road Church in Sioux Fall SD, and Dave York from Covenant Life Fellowship in Roseburg OR serve as provisional elders for ERC until God provides men locally to serve in this role.