What can I expect when I visit?

First, we must make it clear that our goal is to make everything we say and do point to the person and work of Jesus Christ. He is everything to us. The entirety of the Bible points to Him. He is the culmination of God’s redemptive work and the centerpiece of history. We live to preach His message of salvation to a broken world. All that said, don’t be surprised if we talk about Jesus. A lot.

Sunday Gatherings
Sit wherever you’d like! We have no official dress code, but do ask that you wear something.
You can figure on the service lasting a little more than an hour. We start by singing theologically-informed songs as a church body. After our songs and prayers, we’ll transition into an expositional sermon from the Bible. We preach from the English Standard Version (ESV).

Our gathering should end between 5:00 – 5:20 PM, so don’t be surprised if someone in the church invites you into their home afterward for lunch or later in the week for a home-cooked meal and the chance to get to know you better.

Singing is a regular part of our gatherings. We recognize the theological significance of many voices joining together as “one voice” of the Body of Christ. Our music will not be shallow in content or difficult in how “singable” it is. We strive to sing theologically-informed songs with the purpose of pointing people to Jesus, the risen Savior. He is the only one worthy of our adoration and praise.

We do have families at Emmaus Road Church. We provide childcare for children up to age 5 in a nursery staffed by church volunteers. We also have a “kid’s church” for ages 0-5 during the sermon portion of our meetings. All of our volunteers have undergone background checks. We have your children’s safety in mind! For more on our children, click here.

Meeting Time
Sundays 3:30pm

2270 Boot Hill Ct.
Bozeman, MT 59715