Ezekiel 34 “The Good Shepherd” (Advent 2021: Christmas Changes Everything)
Christmas changes everything by providing a Good Shepherd.
Exodus 19:1-9 “God’s Covenant Purpose”
Message Details Passage: Exodus 19:1-9 Why does God save people? Does he have a grand purpose in pursuing sinners and calling them his own? Exodus 19:1-9 helps us see that God does have a great purpose in mind for saving people. Israel at Mount Sinai 19 On the third...
Ezekiel 37:1-28 “Death to Life”
The promised words of have now been seen by the prophet in a vision. Come and hear how God has brought those who were dead in their sin to life in Christ, and how God’s people now have the responsibility to live in light of what God has done.
Ezekiel 36:16-38 “The New Birth”
What is the nature of the new birth? How are sinners born again? In God promised that one day he will cleanse his people from their sin by changing their hearts and putting his spirit within them. We will learn that that day was fulfilled when Jesus came to save a world enslaved to sin and we will learn that it is still being fulfilled today as God changes people inwardly so that they will live for him outwardly.