by Church Staff | Jul 17, 2022 | Daniel, Old Testament, Sermons
This passage shows us that God stands in judgment against the kingdoms of the earth. He speaks definitively against them by setting up his kingdom in their midst. By this text, God intends to assure us that he is concerned with world history and will bring about real change in it.
by Church Staff | Jul 10, 2022 | Daniel, Old Testament, Sermons
Everyone must define who their highest authority is. Do we give in to political or cultural pressures? Who actually rules us? Is it God in heaven or man on earth?
by Church Staff | Jun 21, 2020 | Old Testament, Proverbs, Sermons
Where do we find wisdom? The world is clamoring for a solution to all the problems we see. Is there one, unifying way to think and live that truly solves the problems around us? tells us that true wisdom leads to life and beckons us to pursue it!