Message Details
How do people fit into God’s mission?
1: God desires his people to participate in his mission.
2: God works through his people for victory.
One of the greatest mysteries about God and his purposes is that he includes people in his mission. We have sinned, and therefore should have no standing before a pure and holy God. In his goodness and wisdom, though, he invites us into his presence for real and lasting relationship. Not only this, but he commissions us to go forward on his mission, pressing the gospel into the corners of the earth. How does this affect how you think about God and his purposes? Are you humbled at the invitation to come up “to the mountain,” as in this text, and join God for fellowship? Mark 3:7-19 helps us see and comprehend this great truth.
Mark 3:7-19 "Highs and Lows"

Joel Carlson